Homeworld by JanCarol
In this world of Fake News, Marketing & Advertising, Promotion and Propaganda, we get confused as to what is truth. We don’t know whether to believe what the box or device is telling us – or whether to believe the conspiracy theories whispered by friends. Which seems more true?
On one level, we can test these things by resonance to our Inner Compass. Does it ring true? But this doesn’t always line up with the facts as presented.
My new campaign in this life is about Art. Art is the only truth. Craft is the only reality. What do I mean by this?
That which I make, which I create, which I compose, write, sing, play – cannot be anything but in alignment to my inner Truth. Therefore, if I apply myself to creativity, it is the closest thing to Truth I can experience as an incarnate human.
I don’t like to bring the political here, but Chris Hedges has been influential in formation of this Truth in my being:
I was listening to a talk by Jan Phillips, who wrote “Marry Your Muse” In this talk, she discussed the “Artist’s Creed,” which is the premise for the book:
Artist’s Creed
I believe I am worth the time it takes to create
whatever I feel called to create.I believe that my work is worthy of its own space
which is worthy of the name, Sacred.I believe that when I enter this space, I have the right
to work in silence, uninterruptedly, for as long as I choose.I believe that the moment I open myself to the gifts of the Muse
I open myself to the Source of All Creation
and become One with the Mother of Life Itself.I believe that my work is joyful, useful and constantly changing,
flowing through me like a river with no beginning and no end.I believe that what it is I am called to do
will make itself known when I have made myself ready.I believe that the time I spend creating my art
is as precious as the time I spend giving to others.I believe that what truly matters in the making of art
is not what the final piece looks like or sounds like,
not what it is worth or not worth, but what
newness gets added to the universe in the process
of the piece itself becoming.I believe that I am not alone in my attempts to create,
and that once I begin the work, settle into the strangeness,
the words will take shape, the form find life, and the spirit take flight.I believe that as the Muse gives to me,
So does she deserve from me:
faith, mindfulness and enduring commitment.
One of the members of this group and I have talked about the Music of the Spheres. Is the relationship between “Music” and “Muse” a coincidence? Jon Anderson, of Yes, says that all Music is out there, in the Spheres, and it is the musician’s job to bring it down to humans.
There is Truth – real Truth in this.
The Indigenous Americans I know do not say “be happy,” they say, “Walk in Beauty.” This runs very close to Ananda (“Bliss”), when you step away from the impermanent Gunas (material forms), into the permanent Self – and unite with Truth.
Art is a tiny way to express that Truth, but it is Truer than anything I can say (and I don’t mean “fine art,” but any making – cooking, baking, sewing, needlecraft, painting, drawing, weaving, basket making, pottery, singing, playing music) – all art that enriches the community, increases beauty by giving to the whole.
In this way, there is no sacrifice of Bliss/Ananda/”happiness” while serving the community. Your wealth is measured in the tribes I’m familiar with (Cherokee, Lakota, Seminole, Navajo) by how much you give, not by how much you keep.
I hope to put up a “Community Art” page for quality practitioners of this Truth (who I know personally – COMMUNITY art, art by us, for us).
Contact me directly, if you want your work represented in this Gallery of Truth.
Sir Ian McKellan reads a letter from Kurt Vonnegut: