Category Archives: Shamanism

The Value of Altered States

Dragon Drum

In shamanic trance, we go into an altered state, enhanced by theta waves of the brain, as driven by the drum.  Casteneda called this “Non Ordinary Reality,” while Harner calls it “Shamanic State of Consciousness.”  (contrasted with “Ordinary Reality” and “Ordinary State of Consciousness.”)

Is this a dream?  It is very similar to a dream, and as you get skilled in shamanic trance, you will begin to connect your dreams to your shamanic state, too.  As your mindfulness improves, these Non-Ordinary states will connect to your Ordinary states as well, in the form of Synchronicity.

Is it an hallucination?  Imagination?  Something Real?

On entheogenic drugs, especially plant medicine, you can also easily tap into these theta consciousness creative states.  But the elders speak that these  “hallucinations” may be more real than the waking beta state we associate with reality, and teach that this Non Ordinary Reality is the actual, Real World where we create the Ordinary Reality.  The Three Worlds give rise to this one, and the shamanic state is pre-reality, and therefore more real, more fluid, and more primal, than what we agree upon in consensual reality.

Another form of hallucination is misinterpreted by modern medicine as a “psychotic state.”  These, too, can be deep plunges into the Other Worlds, only when one is thrown there – no drum, no control – these states can be frightening, overwhelming, all encompassing.  Our medical professionals are not trained to teach how to access and utilise these states to heal – the drugs are given to silence them.  This can be a form of oppression, even if it does stop the worst of the distress.

Only by exploring the Spiritual Emergency, psychic crisis, Dark Night of the Soul – can one integrate and use these tools.

Human brains seem naturally to go into altered states, whether by communal trance, plant medicine, or crisis-induced states. Some scientists claim that our brain is designed to receive this connection to the Divine.  The drum is a simple, pure, clear and uncomplicated way to do this safely.

It doesn’t matter if what you experience is imagination, story-telling, actual spirits, the Akashic records, or manifestations of your sub and unconscious or the collective unconscious.  It is a valuable tool to help you learn and grow, and become a stronger, truer Human Being.

I heard Dick Sutphen say, “If I’m making it up – that is real, too.”  Do not judge the information you gain from deep states.  Ask and learn, listen, pay attention.  The creativity gained in these deep states is waiting for you.


Shamanic Tools for Conscious Development

Carl Jung from Red Book

Magick is the art and science of changing consciousness at will.   Dion Fortune

These are a few simple exercises to help train you to experience in altered states of consciousness.

The first is to cleanse and relax.

The second is to build an escape hatch, so that wherever you are, whatever you are doing – no matter what is going on with the drum or other people – you can come back to your body.

The third is a trauma-based method for those of us who have fear about leaving our bodies, or trauma in our body.



Relaxation is essential for any spiritual work.  It is the first key to open the locks of consciousness and the Worlds.

Different people relax in different ways.  Many people use a body scan technique (my favourite method).  Some people like the tension/release – of making muscles tight, and then letting them go, called “Progressive muscle relaxation.” This causes spasms for me (not my personal preference).

Meditation is important – it cleans and conditions the brain and keeps it fresh for new experiences, and teaches us about the presence of the now.  The important thing about relaxation is you learn to fall into alpha – that light, pre-dreaming state where your body is relaxed and your mind is floating.  This is why I do a few minutes of alpha (heart beat rhythm) drumming before I start the theta rhythms – to remind you to relax the body and mind.

I encourage anyone to find music that helps keep an alpha state of awareness, and find time to drift and float in alpha – just breathing, not judging – feeling the state, so that you are aware of what relaxation feels like, and become more skilled at dropping yourself into a relaxed state at will.  To recognise alpha music, find something which gently slows your heart beat.

Cleansing can be part of relaxation, or it can be a ritual or ceremony that you choose before you meditate or journey.  I love salt bathing, as my body has no choice but to relax and let go.  It is cleansing, as the salt draws out impurities.  Many cultures use smudge and smoke for cleansing ceremonies.  In India, they do a fire ceremony called puja for cleansing.   Prayer can be an important form of cleansing – letting go of what is not needed, setting intention for what it is that you need.

In a proper shamanic setting, there would be sweat lodges, herbal cleanses and fasting in preparation for Journeys.  I encourage no food within 4-6 hours of Journey time.  Some teachings suggest no meat the day before a journey, especially a plant medicine journey.

In our Drum Circle, I offer different means of cleansing – using earth, water, and air.  Earth – we slap our bodies with rosemary, or pour what is not needed into a stone or bowl of earth, we dance.  Water – I use a scented spray like a gentle shower (the shaman would spit the water onto you, adding spiritual potency, but in modern society, we are leery of spit!).  Air – cleansing, deep breaths, and breathing out the impurities or unnecessary energies, breathing in light and higher vibration. Out with the old, in with the new.  Each breath is a renewal and a cleansing.  In outdoor rituals, I would like to do more with smudging and smoke.   I’m still working on a fire cleansing, as I’m careful in the yoga studio, and I am not qualified to perform a proper puja.


TWO – “This is My Hand”

This is a lucid dreaming or dream yoga technique.

When I have initiated people into drum practice, I have asked for a wiggle of the hand, and I will ask the drum  to bring them back.

This is less practical in a group, though if anyone waggles their fingers I will bring the whole group back.  Better safe than sorry!

So – establish a practice in your daily life that gives you the power to change your state at any time.

Several times during the day, look at your dominant hand, and say to yourself, “This is my hand.”

Get so that you are familiar with your hand – its curves, scars, wrinkles, shape of your fingers and palm.  See your hand in a number of circumstances – washing dishes, writing, typing, waving, reaching, holding, giving, clenching, fanning, wiggling.  “This is my hand.”  Always.  “This is my hand.”

Then – when you are in an altered state of consciousness, you now have a tool, a power that you can use to adjust consciousness.

For lucid dreaming, this gives you the power to shift your dream, and guide it directly.  If your dream is uncomfortable, you look at your hand, say,  “This is my hand,” and you can come out of the dream, or, as you develop more skill, adjust and guide the dream by choosing a different situation.  The awareness of your hand is a key to the shift.

In the journey world, it is the same.  As soon as you look at your hand, and recognise, “This is my hand,” you now have the power to return to your body, or even shift the journey to something you are more comfortable experiencing.

This is an important and empowering skill.



  1. Build sphere.
  2. Relax
  3. Flex – Choose an object.  It may be a stone, or leaf, a feather (natural items), or it may be an object of sentimental significance, like a piece of jewellery, a gift from a loved relative, or a toy from childhood.

Later, the sphere and ceremony will be less essential – but for the first few session, please consider doing the work in a Medicine Wheel or Sphere.

Flex your attention – focus on the object for a few breaths.  Then FLEX your attention back into your body – your breath and heart region is a good place to focus, but maybe you will choose your left foot big toe.  Just make it the same every time (which is why I say heart and breath is best – but if you are “safer” in your left big toe – that’s fine!).  A few breaths in body, then FLEX back to object.

Continue this process for 3-5 minutes.  The purpose of this exercise is to make you aware of the “attention muscle.”  In mindfulness, the attention is more drifty, let it come, let it go.  This is mindfulness, too, but tuning your mindfulness into a more active focus.

FLEX:  Object.

FLEX:  Body.

FLEX:  Object.

FLEX:  Body.

After 3-5 minutes of FLEXing, let go let go let go and float for the rest of your meditation.

This exercise is developed from a trauma technique for making room in your bodyand expanding your body’s capacity for feeling in safety.  The goal in trauma is not to suppress trauma, but to make room so that it is safe to come out.  Some might even call it dissociate / associate:  “I am in the object” (dissociate), “I am in my body” (associate).

Over time, this tool will also enable you to inhabit Universal Consciousness, or the Witness in meditation.  FLEX: I am All.  FLEX:  I am One.

In shamanism, this helps with travelling and shape shifting.  It can also give you deeper insight into those things which you encounter.  FLEX – I am the flower, FLEX – I am myself.  This will strengthen your compassion for yourself and others.

The more you practice the flex, the stronger your attention muscle will get.  It is something you can do while commuting:  Flex (attention in that poster), Flex (in my body again).  You can do it while shopping:  Flex (attention in the apple), Flex (in my body again).  I don’t recommend it while driving or in situations that require your full attention.  But if you have a little space or time – a moment waiting at the bank:  Flex (in a pen on the desk), Flex (in my body again).

Magick is the art and science of changing consciousness at Will.  These are a few tools which improve your magickal ability, and help you in entering and controlling altered states of consciousness.

I think of these three tools – relaxing in alpha state, “This is my hand,” and FLEX – to be excellent pre-journey skills to develop.

Medicine Wheel for Busy People

So – what if you are too busy to spend 15 minutes a day making Medicine Wheels?

The beauty of the Medicine Wheel is this:  it is around you at all times.

Pay attention to the elements of the Medicine Wheel as it affects your life.

Eat a sandwich – Earth.

Take a Breath – Air

Drink – Water

Light a candle – Fire

Here are a number of situations and their corresponding elements:

Ouch!  Pricked my finger!  – Water and Earth (blood and flesh)

Sit on a chair – Earth.

Answer a phone call – Fire and Earth.

Maybe you will relate to different elements for these – that matters less than the fact of paying attention to the elements which are around you all the time.

Flight of birds – Air

Crawling Ants – Earth

Goldfish in a tank – Water

We are surrounded by the 4 Elements at all times.  Pay attention, and express appreciation for the beauty of the elements.  The gifts you will receive from this practice will be myriad.

Take a walk (a whole Medicine Wheel) – my bones and muscles are Earth, my breath is Air, my nervous system is Fire, and my heart pumps blood which is Water.

These are also true of your car – which is metal (Earth), uses gasoline and fluids (Water), requires a spark to start it (Fire), and an engine which must breathe (Air).

A Cup of tea:   You can build a  medicine sphere by making tea.  Using electricity or fire to heat the water (fire), watching the bubbles in the boiling water (air), pouring the tea (water), adding the oil (earth) – maybe waving a feather over the cup.  Lift the cup above you, put your finger in the cup to take a drop to throw to the earth below you (if you were outside you might pour a little on the earth).  Then, take a sip = inside.

Get the mail – paper = earth.

Work on computer = fire (electricity) and earth (egads, plastics are made of petroleum, which come from the earth, but maybe you relate to plastic as “liquid earth” or Water)

Look at your body, examine the everyday objects that you touch.  Your keys, your pillow, your books, your pet, your house, your stove, your furniture – all these objects are composed of the elements.

Express gratitude for what they bring you, and appreciation for how they fit in the Medicine Wheel, and you will grow in your gifts.


Learn Medicine Wheel by Drawing

Here it is again:

This is NOT building a sphere.


It is familiarizing yourself with the Medicine Wheel.


Take the symbol,

Preferably red, because the Road is Red.  (the sky is Blue)

Freehand.  No compass.

Draw it.

Notice where the imbalances are.  For example, in mine, here, the upper left quadrant is deficient.

An imbalance between north and south is a breakdown between body and emotion.  “I’ll take, What is Depression and Pain? for 20,  Alex”

Study your own drawings.

Do it on different days.

Learn about the relationships


Your East – Air  – Mind – Ideas

South – Fire – Will – Passion

West – Water – Emotions – Feeling

North – Earth – Body – Physical.

(note, there are alternate associations with the directions, here:  Medicine Wheel and First Totem )

You can use it as a weather report.

Get up in the morning, draw a medicine wheel symbol.  See where your balances and imbalances are.

This is walking before running.

The sphere is important, but the elements of the sphere – Air / Fire / Water / Earth / Above Male / Below Female / Within – are more important than the shape and form of the sphere.  Let’s get familiar with the elements.

Draw it every day for a week.  Try it in different colours, how does it feel?

Draw it every day for a month.  How does it shift over the month?  Feel yourself gaining skill in making it, the more you draw it.

Doodle it on napkins, calendars – see what it tells you about the moment when you draw it.

This is a deep teaching symbol, and the basis for nearly all of my teach/learnings.

Medicine Wheel and Sacred Space

Here we are again (it’s so important):

The Medicine Wheel is a guide to living – how to balance the aspects of personality, in order to achieve a higher spiritual vibration – or – to be the Best Human You Can Be.

The Medicine Wheel is also a ceremony to separate “sacred space” from “functioning around consentual reality” space.  You need to carve a practice out of your day.

By opening to the 4 directions, you are literally carving a personal sacred space, separating  Inner Sanctum (the Holy of Holies) from the Outer, mundane experience.

The basic shamanic ritual or ceremony is the circle.  Or, if you want to be 3D, a sphere.

The elements of the circle are East South West North.

You are sitting at the crux, the middle.  The directions are around you.  This could be a good navigational exercise, too.  Face east or north, and call each of the directions.   If you face North, call North first.  If you face East, call East first.  If, for some reason you feel compelled to face another direction, then do so – but ALWAYS FACE that direction for this ritual, until you learn why.  Eventually, you want to orient to North (magnetic) or East (rising sun).

East = air, breath, mind.

South = fire, passion, Will, playfulness, nervous electricity.

West = water, emotion, blood, ancestors

North = earth, body, practical, financial, work.

Different cultures have different associations with the directions – there is a chart of alternative association on this page:   Shaman Explorations – Medicine Wheel and First Totem

To explore other associations, I like to Google “Medicine Wheel” then click on “Images” to see all of the differences, correspondences, affinities, symbols, colors and similarities in Medicine Wheels of various cultures.

THEN, after you have acknowledged the directions, then acknowledge these directions to complete the sphere:

ABOVE = G-d, Sky, weather, mobile fertility (think sperm, rain)

BELOW = G-ddess, Earth, Nourishment, support, stationary fertility (think seeds taking root)

WITHIN = that holy thing which is inside of you.

At the yoga studio, where I am cautious about smoke or fire (so no incense or smudge), I use essential oil spray to seal the sphere before Practice.

After you have acknowledged these things, you are perfectly safe.

I sometimes sleep in a magick sphere, if I need Deep Rest.  This has the added benefit of Medicine Wheel, I can Rest while balancing my Air, Fire, Water and Earth!

* * *

for more learning –

Medicine Wheel:


Here is a complicated page about the Magick Circle with Jewish mystical references for those who want to be more formal about their practice:


Here is a simpler page about the Magick Circle:



A rough Buddhist equivalent, Buddhist wheels are like the 8 spoked wheel Bhavacakra

(This is more of a description of the known world and a map of the inner states, than it is a protection, a carving out of safe, sacred space from mundane, everyday space.  It is often created as a sand painting.  In Buddhism, to clear space and banish Demons, to make room for pure practice, they use  Bell and Dorje!  Ringing the bell creates the space (but you cannot use the bell for anything else):

Medicine Wheel and First Totem

Our story starts with this symbol:

4 Directions Medicine Wheel

This symbol was given to me by a Caribbean Practitioner (Shaman? Witch? Healer?) of Taino heritage  who gave me a personal totem of Green Parrot.  My first totem, medicine animal.

I was young and egotistical.  I thought I should have a tiger or a bear or an eagle as my personal totem, not a Green Parrot.

I lived in Indiana.  There were no Green Parrots there.  I was arrogant, and too ignorant to know better. (interesting, as Green Parrot now reminds me to not be deceived by appearances!)

This symbol is the Medicine Wheel.

She said, the first part of your journey is to learn the Medicine Wheel.

I spent the next 20 years of my life learning the Medicine Wheel.  I am still learning the Medicine Wheel!  The wisdom and teaching of the Medicine Wheel is the basis for all of my practice, and it is, like any other study, infinite in its potential for learning and growth.

The Four Directions (also called Four Elements):

East – Air – Thought & Ideas

South – Fire – Passion & Play & Innocence, giving

West – Water – Emotion & Spirits of the Ancestors

North – Earth – Physical body, possessions, holding and grounding (including making a living).

As I worked these, and met other teachers, I learned about more directions:

Above – Male energy, Sky Father, Weather, Rain that fertilizes the womb of Earth.

Below – Female energy, Earth Mother, the fertile ground which gives all nourishment

Within – That spark of divine within me that touches the whole world.

Walkside Left and Right – companions of our Creative and Rational sides.

(Walksides, I learned from Tsalagi Wise Man, Don Waterhawk, who learned from Grandmother Twylah.  Tsalagi is what white folk call “Cherokee.”)

So 20 years, I spent, studying, learning and growing within the Medicine Wheel.  The Medicine Wheel divides the Sacred from the ordinary, makes a space where it is safe to Invoke and Create and Perform Ceremony, Ritual, and Magick.   I learned a pipe ceremony, from a white man, who was given the ceremony from a red man.  This ceremony was suitable for white folk to use, and I took it up as a weekly practice.  I gave the ceremony to a half dozen people over my life.  I made a Medicine wheel out of birch frame and sheepskin, with my Totem Animals on it (but there were no Green Parrots.  I had forgotten about the Green Parrot!)

Then I moved to Australia.

In Australia,  the North was the South, and the Water was to the East and the practitioners here sometimes call the Elements of the Medicine Wheel according to – where is the ocean, where is the mountain, where is the lake, where is the wind?  But when I looked at my Medicine Wheel Inside, I could not match it to the elements outside.  The Chinese have 7 elements, including wood and metal.  I began to get confused.  How could I match that within me, to an outer practice?

In Ayurveda and yoga, the elements reside in the same places in the body, and they spin according to your body, not according to which hemisphere of the planet you live upon.

Even worse, how could I teach it?  Everyone here has a different view of the Medicine Wheel!

Some put fire in the North, some put it in the West.

Some put water in the East, some put it in the North

And so on.

So how could I teach this very basic thing, how to make Safe Space – without teaching the Medicine Wheel?

I offer a simple chart for my Circle:

Lately, I have learned that different Native American tribes place different elements in different quarters of the medicine wheel, too.  For me, now, each person needs to find their directions, find their own compass, to understand.  Learning the 4 elements is a terrific place to start, and honouring them in your practice will teach more about where they are on your Medicine Wheel.  It depends on your tradition, your blood, what you are attracted to, the land upon which you walk, and your inner guidance.

I wish I could just say, THIS direction is THIS element, but I cannot.  I can, however say, these elements are vital parts of human existence, and learning and honoring them is a step towards better understanding our place and role with each other and The Earth.

The most amazing thing I gained by coming to Australia – is that every day, I see these birds (Rainbow Lorikeets):


And I know that the Taino teacher was right.

It is with great joy that I bask in the medicine of Green Parrots.  I am especially fortunate, because the green parrots I see the most are Rainbow Lorikeets – and their colours are exquisite, and remind me of the integration of my chakras, and of spreading joy.

Rainbow lorikeet in particular speaks of overcoming disability with creativity, freedom, the ability to change my life, and dreams coming true.

I now welcome this Green Parrot Medicine!

Aho, to the Taino woman who set me on this path.



Shamanism, Belief and the Subconscious


I was asked – is shamanism just a placebo?  Do you have to believe in it for it to work?

A question that frequently comes up in drum journeys is the “second guess.”

Is it a spirit?  A past life?  An ancestor?  What is this information?

The mind wants us to put it into little boxes of belief and say, “It IS a spirit!” or “This WAS my past life!”  Or even – “I’m just making this up, it’s all imagination!”

I’m going to suggest that letting go of that is most empowering.  It doesn’t matter.

As a child, does it matter whether the learning came from a parent, a teacher, or your own senses?  The teaching is a teaching.

If a symbol comes up in a journey or a dream, it is a direct message which is important to you in the here and now.  It may take the form of what could be a past or future life, or animal medicine, or a tree spirit, or an ancestor.

While we do want to honour the Teachers, one way to honour them is to not impose a belief onto them.  Don’t tell them what they are.  Let them be what they are.

Perhaps you don’t want to believe in Spirits at all – then, for you, these messages are symbols from the subconscious and the Collective Unconscious.  They are still important and vital to you, and gratitude will take you a long way on this journey.

Learn from them, don’t judge them, and let them be whatever they are – free of your preconceived notions and judgements.

Here’s how it works for me:  the subconscious mind is pre-verbal, so it communicates as sensory input, symbols, feelings, images, smells, sounds.  IT DOESN’T MATTER whether you are seeing eagles or trains or hearing whistling winds, or experiencing a past life as an African herbalist.  It doesn’t matter.  It’s information from the subconscious, provided to you NOW, as what is important NOW.

You can ignore it, or you can pay Attention to it.  As you know, the Power of Attention is one of the most amazing things about being human.

If you ignore it, you are “business as usual”

If you pay attention to it, you are given access to a well of information.  The information may seem like nonsense – colours and smells, or it may seem important – riding on a tiger and meeting the Queen of Heaven.  It doesn’t matter.  It’s information, and the act of Paying Attention to it, is healing, teaching, empowering.

Paying attention is giving respect to the teachers.  It is also important to express gratitude that you have been given this new teaching.


NOTE:  Sensitive people have less “social filtering” than others, so more of this “stream of collective consciousness” gets in, and too much information can be confusing.

The structure of shamanism gives you a form and system to use to sort through the information.  These techniques are highly recommended for sensitive people.

What is Shamanism?


  • A practice and awareness of elements of your inner world; a means for your inner world to communicate with you
  • A means for you to communicate with other realms, realms of spirit
  • Michael Harner, Harner method
  • Journeys – the three worlds
  • Animal, Plant, and Stone awareness, helpers, and teachers
  • Meeting Spirit Guides and Guardians
  • Health and Well being
  • Sensitivity to Environment and synchronicity
  • Healing of self and others
  • Navigation for your inner development

What does a shaman do?


  • Journeys – lower and middle worlds
  • Animal consciousness
  • Becoming more familiar with Animal, Plant, and Stone guides
  • Purification of self
  • Self-development
  • Far Seeing, Divination


  • Journeys – middle world and upper world
  • Daily mindful awareness
  • Banishing of harmful influences from self
  • Assist in healing others
  • Assist in soul retrievals
  • Group journeys


  • Removing harmful influences on others
  • Healing others
  • Journeying for insight for others
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Merging with the shamanic realm


How is shamanism practiced?

  • Trance
  • Dance / Yoga / Kriya and Mudra
  • Ritual
  • Fasting
  • Praying
  • Singing / Chanting
  • Drumming

Mindfulness and Shamanism

1995 I Want to Heal – Original by JanCarol

Mindfulness is a tool that can be used in shamanism.

One of my Drum Circle ladies asked, so – you just like drift off into trance all the time?

Oh  no!  It’s more mindful than that.  Yes, we go into trance to get new information – but information is also there in the everyday world for us to see.

Today, a praying mantis jumped onto hubby’s hand.  She was beautiful!  All shiny, bright green, and graceful, slender, deadly.  She promised to eat lots of insects, so we gently put her back into her hunting grounds, on a leaf.

Yesterday, white cockatoos flew over my house, squawking and making a fuss.  By paying attention – being mindful in my day-to-day life, I am also tending my spiritual life.

As you know, in mindfulness meditations, you watch the train cars go by:  they are only thoughts, only thinking, only thoughts.  The cars go by, but you do not jump onto them.

In trance, we choose a train and follow it to specific places (lower, middle, upper world) to bring back information to waking consciousness.

Then, in waking consciousness – mindfulness comes to play.  If you saw a cricket in the lower world, do you hear crickets?  Even if it is just tinnitus?  Are there times when the crickets sound louder or quieter?  There are ways that symbols and animals interact with our everyday feelings.

Paying attention is the first step.