Shaman Explorations – Coffee Tree (Robusta)
I was meditating with my friend, the Coffee Tree, and filled with deep Gratitude for this little place in my garden. This Coffee Tree had commanded me to clear a space for it, so that it could thrive in sunlight without competition from other plants, and so we did. It then commanded me to prune it to make it strong. It is now my prayer and drum space.
This little tree (its hard life is about 20 years old, now has about 4 babies around it, creating a little plantation of family) has gifted me with a place of peace, safety and growth, and I am so Grateful.
“Yes!” said the little tree, “Gratitude! I am your prayer of Gratitude for your garden, your neighbourhood, your community! By tending Me, you are tending and caring for your world, and putting out your little ‘spell of attraction’ for the Worlds to behold and respond to. It will Respond! So Shall It Be!”
It showed me a Rune, the first Rune, Fehu, which you can see in the branches of the tree above.

ShamanExplorations – Fehu in Gratitude
Fehu traditionally means “cattle,” or “portable wealth.” As discussed in “The Secret,” it is the Power of sending out the energy to gain what you need/want. But up until this time with the tree, it always felt like wishing, or even demanding or commanding the forces of nature.
As you make this shape with your body, you send out the energy and Will to create what you Desire.
But the Little Tree taught me that the fuel for this is not force of Will, of bending the Worlds to your Desire, or of commanding the Worlds to meet your needs..
It is fuelled by Gratitude. By saying “Thank You,” and opening your heart to the possibility that what you need is already created. It is created in that moment you express and experience Gratitude.
This is why Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the Worlds!
I’ve been working on this lesson for many years. In the Tarot, it is seen as the Strength Card, here represented as Power:

Daughters of the Moon Tarot – Artist Ffiona Morgan / Colourist JanCarol
She gains the Strength of the Lion – not by overpowering it, but by charming it, loving it, showing it Grace and Gratitude.
This Power creates support, and the Lion will be her Ally and strengthen her Journey.
It is a deeper power to gain this strength by Charm, Beauty, Attraction – and Gratitude, than it would ever be to “tame” the lion by discipline, power-over, fear, or force.
When our Journey Circle was started, I put this energy of Attraction into a drawing by Ekabhumi Charles Ellik’s version of the Durga Yantra (From “The Shakti Coloring Book”):

Durga Yantra – artist Ekabhumi Charles Ellik, colourist JanCarol
The science of Yantra harnesses geometric colour formulas for attracting archetypal, psychological and subtle aspects of universal flow to raise vibration: in your consciousness, and in the world around you as you reflect the world.
This Yantra is for charming obstacles with love and affection, and protecting family and all within your Circle or under your care.
Durga, too, attracts and charms her way to Power and Strength, and is often portrayed riding a Tiger, gentled by Her Love. I am revisiting this Yantra to infuse it with the deep Gratitude taught by the Coffee Tree.
The Coffee Tree and me – we are sending out peace, love and Gratitude to attract to us what we need to live, learn, and grow. We will use this energy to expand and spread the peace, love and Gratitude to our garden, our neighbours, our Work and our community. There is a feeling of Wholeness and Strength in the depths of my Heart.
And I am so Grateful!