Bison / Buffalo / Musk Ox / Aurochs

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      Pair of Buffalo

      There are only 2 species of Bison left on the planet. The ancient, ancestral (extinct) ones are larger than the ones today (The Aurochs of Europe is one, and is part of ancestral memory).

      The current European Bison is similar in size to the American Bison – European (bonasus) is longer, while the American bison has the bigger spinal hump across his shoulders.

      As a spiritual animal, BIson speaks of abundance. He provides for the entire tribe, all that a human needs. The entire bison is used for food, hides, unguents, soaps, sinew, glues, containers, tipi. That the bison was a baby shows that this abundance is yet to come. A full adult Bison thunders into his choices with confidence, a baby one takes 2-3 years to reach maturity.

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by JanCarolSeidr.

        JCrow Coaching - Musk Ox

        While the bison is about caring for the whole tribe – the Musk Ox is ancient, and walked with Mammoth! In Northern European traditions, the relative Aurochs, is a symbol of Strength – of drawing up energy from the earth and condensing it into the clouds, and raining down like fertility from the sky – the strength of this repeated cycle = is the strength of Aurochs.

        Musk Ox, like Bullocks, is a travelling companion. He carries your load, indicating that your emotional burden will be lightening. With Musk Ox, it is important to keep your emotional objectivity, but also important to share with the herd – to keep your community around you. There are similarities between Musk Ox and Bison, but I just wanted to add these few additions to a previous vision.

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