Frogs are all about cleansing, purification, detoxification, water. They are babies in water, and grow up to walk on land, but always most comfortable around water (emotions) and need the water often.
The frog is about cleansing, and purity and water and rain.
Frog is about rain and cleansing. A frog must have a very pure environment in which to live. If the habitat is sick, the frog is the first to suffer. Frog reminds us to drink pure water, to appreciate the rain, the river, the pond, the lake – the fresh water.
He is born in water, but even when he ascends to land he must return to water for cleansing & rejuvenation. There is an element of transformation about Frog, as he grows from a tadpole, in primal emotional waters, but rises to walk on land. He is not a bearer of heavy loads, but is instead a light reminder to take breaks, to stay refreshed.
I have Frog Medicine, and recently Frog came to remind me when I was sick that the sickness was cleansing me of built up toxins and waste – possibly from years of buildup. That my sickness was a form of cleansing.
Frog Song is always a blessing. Frog reminds you about self care, especially cleansing and water.