Llama / Alpaca


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      Llama is a gentle and useful companion. She will carry your burdens, give you wool and milk, and is extremely sure footed with great endurance. (maybe you want to go llama trekking?)

      She is sacred to south American mountainous countries like Chile and Peru.

      Llama appears quiet and easy going but she is powerful, capable and formidable.

      Make sure you are grounded, and llama will help you move forward.

      White llama, again, is the pure spirit of Llama, the essence of Llama power.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by JanCarolSeidr.

        Larry and Lloyd

        The llama is curious, intelligent, and easily trained, but an overloaded llama will not hesitate to complain or dig in his heels. Llama reminds you to persevere through the steepest mountains. If you fall down, Llama helps you back up again.

        Trusted Mediums Spirit Animals – Llama

        “The llama symbolism appears in your life to remind you to go through life slowly. Make each choice or decision carefully, and take your steps with certainty.

        “Don’t be in a hurry to get to your destination. Don’t be impatient to see results so that you don’t risk falling.”


        “With the llama totem, never be afraid to retreat from hostile or unhealthy situations. Remove yourself from social circles that are causing you emotional or mental stress.

        The llama meaning also wants you to take a calmer approach when dealing with problems and to avoid making a bigger deal out of them. Know where you stand, and be confident that everything will turn out alright.”

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