Mud is the bringing together of earth (body) and water (emotion). By melding these two elements, it – gets messy, but it is also fertile, creative soil. You can’t plant or plow in the mud, you have to wait – but – you know that the potential is there.

Dry, cracked mud:
Travelling through cracked, dry mud – this used to be such a fertile place, but it has lacked for emotion, for water, for so long that it has dried up.
If this is an Australian place, it may be part of a normal cycle. Lake Ayr, looks like this – and then every so often, it fills with rains from all the inland rivers – and becomes the most fertile place in the land.
If, however, this is a northern place, or a place where humans have lived, it may be stripped bare of nutrients from misuse or neglect.
It speaks to me of a need for cleansing, fertilizing water. It calls out for frogs, when they are still eggs, resting under the mud.
Cherish your emotions, it is good to cry. You need the water, you need the flow of feelings to revitalize your spirit.
It speaks of an excess of negative attitude towards your body, a need to honour your emotions, and seek to revitalize your body with water – drinking, soaking, loving, living water. Water rituals.