The rain came pounding down – the emotions were too much. Overwhelming rain that you need to seek protection from is emotions which are bringing more than you are prepared to accept and / or integrate.
Rain is fertility, the source of the water that we all depend upon for life – for crops, for our own bodies.
The cycle of water – the rain falls, it percolates and fertilizes the plants, it rises again to the clouds in evaporation, then condenses into the clouds again to become rain. This is a cycle of strength – the flow of water strengthens the Earth, and heals you.
Your awareness as a tiny drop in a cloud full of drops – shows you have a realistic view of your place in the universe. As a tiny drop – you are nothing – and yet – you touch everything, and are one with everything. When you drop a single drop of water into the ocean, it merges and becomes one with all the other water it touches.