Flowers of all the colors of the rainbow speak of a balance of your own energies. You have creativity, passion, communication, spirituality, love – all of these things blend in the explosive colors of the flowers.
The Rainbow is used in our culture to represent diversity, in our beings, it represents a diversity, too – a balance and flexibility of our development and skills.
After the flood, the rainbow was a covenant between G-d and all living creatures.
In Norse mythology, it is a path, a bridge to the Upper World, guarded by a magician. Siberian shamans, also walk this path to the Upper World. In Japan, it is also a bridge – one which the ancestors cross into heaven, and to the Navajo, it is the path travelled by holy spirits.
In Celtic lore, to see a rainbow is lucky, and can bring wealth.
Here, in Australia, the Rainbow Serpent is the Creator of all things.