As promised on my Art is Truth post, here are some of the Artists I am honoured to know.
Amy Falstrom

Amy Falstrom – Unruly Garden
Amy Falstrom – “Wherever I lived, I was always looking at landscapes, and feeling the temperature and the weather.”
Don Waterhawk – Waterhawk CreationsWaterhawk Creations
In the Ceremony July 2018, we used many beautiful tools, and I realised how many of them were made by Don Waterhawk, who I met in the early 1990’s, and who is a Teacher to me.
Waterhawk Creations was established in 1989. They blend many of the Earth’s gifts with creativity, fulfilling the purpose of creating a functional object d’art. Many sacred tools have come from the workbench of Waterhawk, who strives to create pieces of art that will last
hundreds of years as treasured heirlooms.
Waterhawk Creations uses the finest quality materials from the Earth, seeking unique and unusual gems, crystals, minerals and other materials. These are blended with a fine pewter, lead-free, nickel silver to create functional one-of-a-kind objects d’ art. All pieces are handcrafted original art.
Waterhawk pieces have been featured on national television, films, magazines, book covers and in fine art galleries and shops around the world. I am honoured to have met Don, and pleased that a few of his pieces are lovingly here in Australia.
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough is the author of the Nebula Award-winning novel Healer’s War, which draws on her experiences as a nurse in Vietnam, and the critically acclaimed Nothing Sacred, as well as numerous other novels.
She’s written and collaborated on 38 novels, 22 solo and 16 in collaboration with the fabulous Anne McCaffrey.
She has also written a traditional, humorous, 4-book fantasy series, SONGS FROM THE SEASHELL ARCHIVES, a feminist Arabian Nights fantasy, two fantasies set in the Wild West and the Yukon Goldrush respectively, an apocalypse and the sequel, both set in Tibet, and three books about folk music and magic. Three books are about fairy godmothers, one is about Christmas and computers, one features Sir Walter Scott in a Victorian gothic mystery set in Edinburgh, and two are about Queen Cleopatra as the living “Past life” of two different women.
Her latest is a family-centered satirical series of “purranormal mysteries” featuring Spam, an enterprising orange tabby, in “Spam Vs. The Vampire,” “Father Christmas,” and “The Tour Bus of Doom.”
Her novels always have a charming sense of humour, exploring alternatives and underdogs, as the characters seek balance and justice.
Simin Masani

Soul Silk – Simin Masani
Simin Masani is a graphic designer from the National Institute of Design in Ahmadabad, India. She hand-paints silk scarves, as well as designing wrapping paper and bookmarks. Her scarves are currently featured at a gallery in India, and her work is on three continents.
Heather Goffinet-Nance
Heather Goffinet-Nance is a weaver extraordinaire, quilter, creative seamstress, and craftlady of the Asatru tradition. She creates altar-ware and crafts to enhance the home.
Thomas Freese
Thomas Freese is a multimedia artist living in Louisville, Kentucky. He is a visual artist, teaching artist, storyteller, author, intuitive, and psychic reader with decades of experience. Thomas crafts oftentimes in sacred woods, but has also worked in bone, stone, shell and antler. He works with both local and exotic woods and makes jewelry, ornaments, spoons and wands. Much of his wood art is embellished with mythical and ancient designs, such as Celtic interlaces and magical animals.
His books include true tales of encounters with ghosts, spirits, angels, witches, UFOs, Sasquatch and more. He also writes fiction, often mysteries like ghostly tales. His one children’s book is Halloween Sleepwalker. His current book project is Tree Spirits and Wood Wisdom, a guide to the metaphysical meanings for 123 trees/woods, released March 2018 with Stellium Books.
Thomas has been on tour in Argentina as a storyteller. He has over twenty educational and entertaining programs and he plays guitar and other instruments. He has a Master’s Degree in Expressive Therapies.
Thomas is versed in palm, tarot, past life and remote readings. He also does reading from photographs. His website is He has recently added an Etsy Page at Thomas Freese Etsy, or you can contact him on Facebook.
“I always wanted to be an artist, and it took a bit of time after college to really give myself permission to play, to make art, for its own sake. But having someone appreciate, buy and take home what I’ve made from my own hands is…addictive. I’d love to hear from you! Best wishes!”
Marketa Zvelebil

Marketa Zvelebil, “Creation” from
Marketa Zvelebil, is a published photographer with a number of exhibitions to her name. She worked as a scientist, but throughout her whole life she loved photography, getting her first camera when she was 5 years old. She loves nature and animals so many photographs do contain those aspects, but she also wants her photographs to “say” something or to “tell a story”. This stems from her experiences, such as living under a totalitarian regime, becoming ill at the age of 6, a political refugee at the age of 8 and disabled from her illness, living in many counties, learning new cultures and languages as well as science. She wants to provoke emotional responses through her photography, both positive ones such as hope, calmness and happiness as well as sadness, anger, and a resolve to action. But never despair. But above all her photography is about the beauty, both small and large, of the world we live in and we should do everything to preserve it.
She is featured on My Nation Geographic Your Shot Gallery and where you can buy/see some of her work. The second gallery includes more Arty photos. Another gallery for seeing/buying .
Tina GoverTina Gover – Om Spiral
Tina is a visionary folk artist – bringing back visions from the Spirit World and translating them into enhancements for home and daily living. I have seen her amazing bird houses, and on her website, you can see her paintings & sculptures that grace many homes. All of her creations are One of A Kind (OOAK), and designed to embellish and uplift the home. You can see her work at: Gover Creative Designs, LLC .
Much of her work is tied to her ministry as Elder Minister and Medicine Woman at the Oklevueha Native American Church of the Peaceful Mountain Way.