Carl Jung, from The Red Book
Yes, and yes. No and no.
How many colours are in a rainbow?
How many paths are there to heaven?
How many grains of sand on the beach?
The air that you are breathing – who breathed that air before?
The drops of water in the ocean
The stars in the sky
The blades of grass in a meadow.
The number of hairs on a bunny.
The multitude of biological species required to maintain a human
The number of breaths in a life.
How many plant species are there? Fungus? Virus?
Anyone who says that it must be this way or that way – is just wrong. Because we don’t know all the ways it can be.
People have their pet ways, Maharishi said do TM, Papji and Gangaji say “who are you?” Patanjali said, “know yoga,” the tribes of South America say, “learn from the plants,” the Siberian shaman says, “let the drum teach you.” Jews say learn it from the Torah, Christians say learn it from the Bible or the life of Jesus. Buddhists – well you get the idea.
As long as you are learning and experiencing then you are moving on the path, and processing the process, then you are on the right path.