Dragon Drum
The rhythm of the music you listen to – accesses different states.
Beta – active heart rate and above (like exercise, too). This is “pop music,” “rock and roll,” the things you hear on the radio.
Alpha – as close to slow, comfortable heart rate. This is meditation music, droning, a rhythm that matches a relaxed heart rate.
Theta – is more of a nervous system rhythm. Like a train running along it’s tracks. This is the shamanic drumbeat. For initiates, it seems too fast, too driving. But you get conditioned so that when you hear it, you are ready to go.
Delta – like an Alpha, only much, much slower – it encourages the heartbeat to slow further, even though a delta rhythm is slower than a heartbeat, and the heartbeat will never match it. Max Richter’s “Sleep” is all done in Delta.
Restoration happens in Delta (sleep). Theta and Delta are what is missing from an insomniacs life.
As shamans, we can restore theta in a waking state, and perhaps it will give you a better pathway to delta.
If you listen to an Indian Raga, it starts out in a gentle alpha, and gradually increases through beta to a fast theta, so that it enhances the entire being into a heightened, creative state. (this raga is an hour long, to demonstrate the journey through these tempos.)
Rhythm gives us access to the deeper parts of ourselves. Rhythm influences us whether we recognize it or not.
The screen switching rate of the TV, coupled with the music, is very manipulative of our emotional states. In advertising, it is trying to produce a feeling of anxiety, insecurity, or fear – so that you need whatever it is they are offering. If you compare today’s TV with the TV of 30-50 years ago, you will notice that the tempo of the “old TV” is much slower, as they were still learning how to best effect the human nervous system.
Now it is a fine science, called “Neuromarketing” or “Neuroscience Marketing,” and it not only includes visual and audio rhythm, but also colour, tone, texture – all designed to create a need and sell a product, service, or idea. Think about how the “header music” of the news program always captures your attention with its marching beat. If it is on, it influences you whether you are aware of it or not.
Be aware of it. Seek out natural rhythms like birdsong, water flow, classical, folk, and uplifting music (that’s a topic all to itself, as some rhythms of music, especially pop and rock, can be disruptive to the nervous and emotional systems).
Honour the rhythms of your own body – your breath, your heartbeat, your hunger, your sleeping, your waking. In this mindfulness, you can begin to open yourself to greater potential.