Bryce Canyon
So often in our lives we struggle with Truth.
So many people are so certain about the truth. This post is inspired by a street preacher who harasses gays, Muslims, anyone who doesn’t fit his version of Truth. He is so uncomfortable with anything outside his vision of reality, that anything “Other” is relegated to “sin” and “hell.” And he is certain.
One of the miracles of life, is that there is no certainty. I have visions and ideas about how I view and approach the world, but there are always things which do not fit my paradigm, or, indeed, any paradigm currently known. Like Dark Matter, it fits in the maths equations, but we really don’t know what it is.
Or psychic phenomenon, or intuitive guidance. We can theorise and postulate as to how it works, but really? It’s a Mystery.
Some of the Native American tribes actually use that as the name for God: The Great Mystery.
There is always more to be learned, always more to be integrated, and always a higher vibration to aspire to.
If we are certain, then we have created boxes and boundaries, and growth stops. It is only when we recognise that we do not know that we begin to learn.
“He who thinks he knows, doesn’t know. He who knows that he doesn’t know, knows.” – Joseph Campbell
The Mystery is a navigation point like a compass.
“I don’t know that – I will go there and learn.”
“I’m uncomfortable with that, I must find out why.”
or even,
“This terrifies me, that means it is something I must pursue.”
In pursuing the Mystery, we learn and grow.
In Honoring the Mystery, that there is always more Beyond us, we accept the Sacred.