Carl Jung Red Book 84
One of the Teachings which cannot be repeated enough – is this: What are the qualities and differences of the Three Worlds that we visit in Shamanic States?
In The Lower World, you access your more primitive self, and the support it gives you, body, emotions, thoughts, and actions. To get to the Lower World, you start out travelling the Middle World until you find a hole, and enter the hole – it may be uncomfortable but the tunnel will open up into the Lower World. When it opens up, you know you are there. Many times the information received in the Lower World is non-verbal, or may take the form of colours, sounds, feelings, or tactile sensations. It is helpful to have someone who is skilled in Non-Ordinary Consciousness to interpret the experiences there.
Here is where you meet your Animal Helpers (which may become Medicine, Ally, or Power Animal as you develop relationships with them). Remember the formula for Animal Helpers: “Are you my Helper?” and “Thank you, what may I give you?” These Helpers support your walk in the Middle World, your daily life, and offer you insights into your native abilities and powers. They also offer the strength to help with Upper World journeys, and Power to manifest adjustments in the Middle World.

Floral Tribute in local Park
The Middle World is the Realm that overlaps with your daily life. It is the Realm of current existence, but it is also the Dreamtime. According to Aboriginals, the Dreamtime is always in a State of Creation. The Middle World gives you access to the Spiritual influences on your present, your daily life. Experiences in the Middle World can include Ancestors, and this is the place where Healing is done. For example, a Reiki Master manipulates energy flow in the Middle World in order to open your own body to healing. This is also the place where you can gain psychic information by seeing the energy of a situation: if there is a difficult puzzle or challenge, journeying to the Middle World can help you see the energetics of the relationship or situation, and possible remedies to help the situation. With skill and the support of your Helper Animals, you can manipulate the energies during the Journey – offering gifts, love and light, or shifting a pattern in order to remedy conflict or difficult challenges.
So the Middle World has psychic, empathic/emotional, and Ancestral Powers. It can be used for Remote Viewing (seeing things in a distant place), Astral Travel, and Energetic Awareness, and is useful in gaining practical knowledge and information. Additionally, if you have a pressing matter in the Lower and Upper Worlds, you may receive Visitations from those worlds – animals from the Lower World, and Guides from the Upper World.

Orange Sky by Nancy Settle
The Upper World is often challenging to achieve, and I don’t recommend it for beginners. It is immensely helpful to be supported by the Animal Powers of the Lower World before attempting the Upper World. To go to the Upper World, you must climb, rise or fly up. You will find a Barrier – this Barrier is different for everyone – some say it is like cellophane or gelatine, others see it as dense light or darkness, still others have experienced it as intense sound. Passing through the Barrier, you will know you are in the Upper World. (note: it is possible to fly out into space and miss the Barrier – this is still Astral Travel in the Middle World, and is not the Upper World.)
In the Upper World you will receive Teachings from Guides & Guardians, Angels and even Divine Beings. Again, it is different for everyone, but the Teachings received here are often verbal, and do not need interpretation. The Messages are often direct (though they may be cryptic and require years of living to unravel the puzzle), and an Energetic Transfer or Upgrade from the Guide to the Shaman may take place.

Carl Jung – Map of Human Consciousness
Travel is not restricted to these Worlds, there are sometimes surprises. But many of the Worlds (or Realities) that you visit are likely to be a subcategory of one of these Three Worlds.
Anytime you are dipping into an altered state of consciousness, you are accessing your subconscious (called “The Personal Unconscious” in Jung’s diagram above), the culture that created that subconscious, and the Collective Unconsciousness behind the culture. This is where Archetypes are found, and they are frequently common to many humans of varied culture and background.
This is where the deep Insights take place – and they may come from Middle, Lower and Upper world.