What is Shamanism?


  • A practice and awareness of elements of your inner world; a means for your inner world to communicate with you
  • A means for you to communicate with other realms, realms of spirit
  • Michael Harner, Harner method
  • Journeys – the three worlds
  • Animal, Plant, and Stone awareness, helpers, and teachers
  • Meeting Spirit Guides and Guardians
  • Health and Well being
  • Sensitivity to Environment and synchronicity
  • Healing of self and others
  • Navigation for your inner development

What does a shaman do?


  • Journeys – lower and middle worlds
  • Animal consciousness
  • Becoming more familiar with Animal, Plant, and Stone guides
  • Purification of self
  • Self-development
  • Far Seeing, Divination


  • Journeys – middle world and upper world
  • Daily mindful awareness
  • Banishing of harmful influences from self
  • Assist in healing others
  • Assist in soul retrievals
  • Group journeys


  • Removing harmful influences on others
  • Healing others
  • Journeying for insight for others
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Merging with the shamanic realm


How is shamanism practiced?

  • Trance
  • Dance / Yoga / Kriya and Mudra
  • Ritual
  • Fasting
  • Praying
  • Singing / Chanting
  • Drumming




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